The Rio Loro Municipal Environmental Park: A Natural Refuge

The Río Loro Environmental Park is located in the San Nicolás District of the Central Canton of Cartago, Costa Rica, in an area that corresponds to the tropical montane rainforest ecosystem. Despite its natural richness, this ecosystem is in danger due to the fragmentation and disappearance of its original cover. Due to its location in an area with suitable climatic conditions for agriculture and human settlement, it has contributed significantly to this threat.
Conservation and Biodiversity Efforts.
Currently, 136 plant species and 135 bird species have been identified in the park. The park covers an area of approximately 23 hectares. It plays a crucial role in providing drinking water for several communities. Besides, it receives local and foreign visitors, which contributes to environmental awareness and conservation education.

Since its creation in 2009, it has implemented conservation strategies, such as the introduction of forest species and the promotion of natural regeneration.
The park’s mission is to conserve the forest and promote environmental education. Its vision is to consolidate a space where water resources are protected and conservation is promoted with citizen participation. However, there is legitimate concern about the environmental impact of recreational and educational activities and infrastructure development on the park’s vegetation.
Properly assessing and managing this impact is critical to the long-term preservation of PAMRL.
The Río Loro Municipal Environmental Park represents a valuable conservation effort in a context of urban growth and human development. The biological richness of the river and its importance as a source of drinking water make its preservation essential.
Human activities in this natural treasure must be approached responsibly to ensure its survival and to educate future generations about the importance of conservation.
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