The Abolition of the Army in Costa Rica: A History that Set the Course for Peace

The Army Abolition in Costa Rica.
December 1, 1948 is a historic date for Costa Rica and the world. On that day, President José Figueres Ferrer made the decision to abolish the army, transforming the country into an example of peace and democracy. Instead of investing in weapons, Costa Rica has allocated resources to education, health and environmental protection, prioritizing the welfare of its population.

Are you interested in learning more about this unique event and the impact it has had on Costa Rican identity?
The Abolition of the Army
On our blog, we will be sharing a series of articles that delve into the history, key figures, and repercussions of this courageous act. Don’t miss the posts to come, where we will explore how this legacy has shaped the country we know today.

Sensorial Sunsets
The Abolition of the Army
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