Spider monkey

The spider monkey is one of the 4 species that live in Costa Rica. Its name comes from the fact that it has very long limbs.
It is a large primate. The head is small and males do not have beards as in the Alouatta genus. The body is slender with very long limbs, the hands are provided with four fingers, which function as a claw. The tail is long and prehensile, lacking hair at the tip. Body coloration varies geographically from black to grayish or pale yellow.
Spider monkey behavior
Son animales de hábitos diurnos y arborícolas, pasan la mitad de su tiempo alimentándose, y le resto del tiempo desplazándose o descansando. Presentan dos picos de actividad en la mañana y antes del atardecer. Son organismos ágiles y se mueven con rapidez entre las ramas.
They are gregarious, forming groups of between 10 and 50 individuals, composed of several females and their young and some males, which in turn aggregate in subgroups formed only by adult males, adult females or juveniles.
Spider Monkey Diet
Like all primates in Costa Rica, the spider monkey is omnivorous; its young feed on mother’s milk until they are one year old.
M. Barrantes – Sensorial Sunsets
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