The Pre-Columbian Gold Museum has initiated a process of profound renovation, incorporating the most recent archaeological research and using interactive didactic resources. The proposal seeks to create a link between the past and the present, highlighting the human dimension of the exhibits.

A Human and Cultural Approach

The main objective of the new museum proposal is to emphasize the connection between ancient civilizations and the present day. Through reflection on how the first settlers arrived to the territory we call home today, and on the reality lived by the descendants of the peoples. This journey suggests a deeper understanding of the objects and their historical significance.

The exhibition is organized around nine thematic units, ranging from migration and mining to indigenous cosmovision and the human relationship with nature. In each section, aspects such as gender vision in ancestral cultures, metallurgical production and the impact of colonization are explored. Each section explores aspects such as the vision of gender in ancestral cultures, metallurgical production, and the impact of colonization.

The Museum of Pre-Columbian Gold: Technology for Interactive Learning

An essential component of the renovation is the incorporation of interactive resources that allow for multi-sensory learning. Through advanced technologies, visitors will be able to explore the themes in a dynamic way for a deeper understanding of the topics on display.

The most innovative element of the renovation is the immersive experience inside the cosmic house of Talamanca. Through this space, visitors can enter the cosmovision of the Bribri and Cabécar peoples through animations that represent the different layers of the cosmos, accompanied by the narration of a Bribri Awá.

Sensorial Sunsets