Bet you have heard of gaming. It is a phenomenon that has become very popular in recent years and has gained thousands of followers in a very short time.

What is gaming?

Gaming is one of the virtual professions that have emerged thanks to technology. The professional, called gamer, is dedicated to playing video games in exchange for some economic compensation.

Video games were born in the 70s, when board games such as Ping Pong took a leap towards digital. From this moment on, different consoles, games and developers were invented to reach the video games we know today: with high quality graphics, stories that capture players and stimulate their brains.

The first company to introduce gamers to the world of gaming was Sony with its PlayStation console, which had a wide variety of exclusive games for the time. Then, in the 90s and early 2000s with the emergence of the Internet, it was the PC that positioned itself as the favorite for gamers and for eSports (electronic sports), competitions between gamers.


eSports began as small, local tournaments in which gamers gathered to compete in multiplayer video games. Today, these competitions have escalated to the point that 300 million people follow eSports on a regular basis. In addition, the most common genres played in these events are: real-time strategy, first-person shooters and online multiplayer battle arenas.

However, not all video games are considered eSports; in fact, they must meet certain conditions to be classified as such:

  • the game must allow for matchmaking between pairs or between teams
  • players must compete on equal terms
  • it must be popular and competitive
  • it must promote the desire to excel

An interesting fact about eSports is that traditional sports clubs have been integrated into these virtual activities. Baskonia, the third largest basketball club in Spain, FC Barcelona, Santos Fútbol Club and more groups have bet on having an electronic division.

Do eSports exist in Costa Rica?

Yes, there are eSports and a large gamer community in Costa Rica. In fact, in October 2022 the eleventh edition of Connecturday, one of the largest video game events in the region took place in Costa Rica, where both national and foreign gamers were able to participate and compete.

In addition, national sports clubs have begun to invest in these sports, training virtual athletes. This is the case of Saprissa Esports, which created a League of Legends team to promote this e-sport in the country. The team is composed of two Costa Ricans, two Peruvians, one Guatemalan and one Nicaraguan.

If you are interested in entering the world of gaming and becoming a professional virtual athlete, Costa Rica opens the doors to this sport, which is even being considered for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Author: Mónica Gallardo for Sensorial Sunsets