Wimblu, a creative documentary studio formed by three Costa Ricans, is preparing a series of events in anticipation of the launch of the ninth volume of its magazine, whose main theme is “Language”. These events will connect language from the intersections of ecology, culture and spirituality through diverse formats such as multimedia, short films, texts, photo essays, live readings and conversation circles.

El poder de las palabras

The words we choose have real effects on the world and how we relate to it. Each word carries a weight that calls us to act in different ways in relation to others, to the Earth and to the challenges of the planetary crisis we face.

A special event for Gaza

On February 1, Wimblu will host “A Night for Gaza” at the Contraforma Workshop in San Jose, starting at 3 PM. During this event, the film ‘Foragers’ (2022, 64 min) by Palestinian filmmaker Jumana Manna will be presented for the first time in Costa Rica. Also, the event will feature a flea market and art workshops, whose funds will go to humanitarian aid for families in Gaza.

After the screening, there will be a talk to explore the relationship between narratives, language and the colonization of territories and cultures, with the participation of activist and humanitarian communicator Glorianna Ximendaz, and communicator and audiovisual curator Fernando Chaves Espinach.

Conversations with authors

February will also bring a series of virtual “Meet the Authors” sessions, featuring intimate discussions with the authors of Volume 9. These sessions will be held via Zoom on the following dates and times:

  • Tuesday, February 4, 6 PM (CST) | Nethery Wylie & Lawrence English | The Language in Bodies | Language: English.
  • Tuesday, February 11, 3 PM (CST) | Francisco Provedo & Pablo Franceschi | Naming and Invoking | Language: Spanish.
  • Tuesday, February 18, 10 AM (CST) | Len Murusalu & Alessandra Baltodano | Language and Landscape | Language: English.
  • Tuesday, February 25, 12 PM (CST) | Susanne Paola Antonetta | Interspecies Conversations | Language: English.

A call for care and connection

The purpose of the new edition and the accompanying events is to reimagine language in order to respond in more thoughtful ways to the world and the beings with whom we share it, or so the editors of Wimblu propose.

Sensorial Sunsets