Samara is one of the main tourist places in Costa Rica. With several activities to do, Samara is ideal for your vacation.

Samara is located in the canton of Nicoya, in the province of Guanacaste. It is one of the most popular summer resorts on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.

Activities to do

The sea in Samara is much calmer than in other places in Guanacaste like Nosara or Santa Teresa. In addition, there are many things to do and see: waterfalls, mountains, marine life and sunsets!


Although the sea is calmer than other regions, you can still surf. It is ideal for beginners in this sport, because the waves are small and relaxed. The best time to surf is during high tide, and even better if it is during sunset.

Paddle surfing

Stand up paddle surfing (SUP) is a sport that consists of standing on a board while carrying a single-bladed paddle to navigate the sea, lakes or rivers.

In Samara, you can practice this sport either in the mangroves of the region or in the sea. In either place, you will be able to enjoy a great experience surrounded by nature.


Samara is one of the main tourist places in Costa Rica. With several activities to do, Samara is ideal for your vacation.

Snorkeling is one of the best ways to enjoy the sea and get to know the marine life. Chora Island is a small island that is part of the reef that protects the coast of Samara, where the sea is quite calm. Here you can observe several species of colorful fish and turtles. To get there, you just have to paddle a kayak for 30 minutes.


Sámara, Costa Rica

If you like exploration, kayaking is one of the best activities to do in Samara. Close to the coast, you will be completely protected by the reef, from which you can see various marine species. Best of all, you will be able to watch the sunset while paddling through the sea.

Turtle nesting

Samara is one of the main tourist places in Costa Rica. With several activities to do, Samara is ideal for your vacation.

Turtle nesting is one of the most special observations. The best time to observe turtles is during the months of September and October. You can schedule a tour and learn about these animals and how to observe them responsibly.

If you are interested in getting to know Samara and its treasures, you can do it with Samara Adventures and Best Deals 2, who will offer you the best tours and prices.

Sensorial Sunsets